Sustainability Essay

Combining Wind and Solar Power

                                                             Khushbu Shagor  

                                                               ENGL 21003

                                                              Debra Williams 

                                                               March 28, 2023

       Renewable energy sources are an exemplary aspect of sustainable development and a combination of energy sources and how it is vital for addressing energy needs and carbon emissions. In this essay, I will discuss how combining wind and solar power is the best option for New York City. Wind energy is an essential renewable energy source with many benefits, including being cost-effective and having a high energy yield. However, it is limited by a lack of predictability. On the other hand, solar power can address these limitations and make it predictable so that it can produce energy during daylight hours, making it a great secondary renewable energy source to support wind energy. Combining wind and solar energy in NYC can achieve a sustainable, cost-efficient, and reliable supply of energy. 

     Also in addition to renewable energy sources, organizations that are dedicated to sustainability are very important and essential to addressing sustainability issues. Our organization is dedicated to promoting clean energy and sustainability in the South Bronx and Northern Manhattan. They provide education and resources to communities to reduce their carbon footprint and adapt to sustainable practices. The organization also works with local governments and businesses to develop clean energy solutions that benefit the community. Our organization deserves funding from the city’s clean energy grants as we actively work towards sustainable development and reducing the negative impacts of climate change in the community.  

        Wind power is a clean and renewable energy that is reliable and has lots of potential by providing electricity to millions of New York City residents. The New York state energy research and development authority states that New York has the potential to generate over 50,000 megawatts of electricity from wind energy alone which is enough to power up to more than 15 million homes. Also as stated by Schwartz (2020), wind turbines can lead to a big impact on birds and their fatality which includes migrating birds and raptors. Wind power should really be taken into consideration because it has many benefits that can help NYC and help make it a safe place for everyone. 

     There are several sources that support wind and solar energy as the best option for NYC’s energy needs. And according to the New York State energy research and development authority it is mentioned how wind energy has the potential to provide up to 40% of the state’s electricity needs while solar power can provide up to 15%. A study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory also found that wind and solar power can work together to complement each other as wind power produces more energy throughout the winter months when there is less sunlight and more solar power during the summer when there is more sunlight. However, wind and solar power come with their limitations. Critics often argue that wind turbines can harm wildlife and are aesthetically unappealing in addition to that solar panels require a large area of land to generate a significant amount of energy, which can be very problematic in urban areas with limited space. These limitations can be addressed through careful planning and setting up wind turbines and solar panels to minimize the negative effects. 

    Our organization discussed the sustainability needs in the South Bronx and Northern Manhattan by providing education and resources that reduce carbon emissions while promoting sustainable practices. The organization works to promote community needs and priorities that are taken into consideration in decision making processes, and they also partner with local businesses and government to promote sustainable practices and clean energy. By investing in our organization, NYC can achieve sustainable development goals and reduce the impact of negative things like climate change in the community. 

    In conclusion, the combination of wind and solar power is the best option for addressing NYC’s energy needs. By working together, wind and solar energy can provide a sustainable, cost-efficient, and reliable energy source. Additionally, organizations like ours are essential to addressing sustainability issues in the community and investments such as developmental goals. And on the other hand wind and solar power have their limitations, careful planning, and sitting and doing nothing about it can maximize their negative impact. And in organizations like ours that work to provide and promote sustainability and reduce the negative impacts of climate change. I believe wind and solar energy are the best option for NYC’s sustainability and can make a huge impact on the community and can help save many lives.      

Work cited/ sources 

“Offshore Wind.” NYSERDA,

Penney, Veronica. “Where Wind and Solar Power Need to Grow for America to Meet Its Goals.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 28 May 2021,

 “Ases Solar 2023.” American Solar Energy Society, 

Author Information Scott Nicholson, et al. “Life Cycle Emissions Factors for Electricity Generation Technologies.” Life Cycle Emissions Factors for Electricity Generation Technologies | NREL Data Catalog, 

American Solar Energy Society. (2021). Solar Energy in Cities.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2021). Complementary Energy Systems: How Wind and Solar Work Together.

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. (2021). Wind Energy in New York.

Schwartz, J. (2020). Wind Turbines Are Great for the Planet—But Terrible for Wildlife. The New York Times.